Are you feeling overwhelmed, stuck or tired of the same patterns and outcomes ?
People often seek help when they are most in need. I am here to help you work through what you are facing with compassion and integrity. Together we will break problems down into more manageable pieces and begin to face them head on.
Therapy can help you improve communication and increase coping and resilience. Your insight will increase and you will really see yourself and how you interact and function so that you can get out of your own way and start living the kind of life you want to.

Hello, I’m Julie Zikman. I am a skilled and empathic Registered clinical Social Worker with over 25 years of clinical social work experience. I hold a Bachelor and Master degree in Social Work from McGill University and am a member in good standing with both the Ontario Association of Social Workers and the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers.
My areas of expertise include offenders charged with sexual, violent, child pornography, harassing or domestic assault offences. I conduct risk assessments and initiate individual customized treatment programs. I also provide therapeutic support for individuals, couples and families and assist those struggling with separation and divorce, anxiety, depression, workplace stress, work-life balance and adjustment to parenting. I have present workshops on a wide variety of mental health topics.
My diverse work experience includes the Sexual Behaviours, Anger Management, Early Psychosis and Juvenile Justice clinics at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health as well as completing comprehensive assessments for youth facing criminal charges under section 34 of the Youth Criminal Justice Act and custody/access reports under section 112 of the Courts of Justice Act for the Office of the Children’s Lawyer.
My Approach
My approach is warm, client – centred and eclectic. I incorporate Cognitive Behavioural, Motivational, Family Systems, Relational Life Therapy (Terry Real) and psycho Dynamic therapeutic methods. I may utilize a number of different evidence – based thecrapeutic models depending on your personality and needs. While some people benefit from a more conversational approach others are eager todelve into their issues with a more analytical model. Together we will determine what the best approach and style is for you.
I am certified to use the Hare Psychopathy Checklist: Revised (PCL–R), and has utilized the Hare Psychopathy Checklist: Youth Version (PCL:YV), the Static 99 (the most widely used sex offender risk assessment instrument in the world), the ERASOR (Estimate of Risk of Adolescent Sexual Offense Recidivism), the LSI–R (Level of Service Inventory–Revised, a quantitative survey of offender attributes and their situations relevant to level of supervision and treatment decisions) and the YLS/CMI. 2.0 (Youth Level of Service Case Management Inventory).
As a clinical member of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA) I have met the requirement of a minimum of 2000 clinical hours of direct treatment experience. In 2016 and 2017 I completed Level 1 Introduction to Collaborative Practice Training and Level 2 Interdisciplinary Collaborative Practice Skills Training in November 2016.
Career issues and life transitions
Spouse abuse, partner violence, anger management
Anti-social personality
Grief and loss
Guilt and shame
Major mental illness (Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Depression, Psychosis Schizophrenia)
Sexual Deviance and paraphilia (pedophilia, hebephilia, exhibitionism, voyeurism, child pornography use and addiction, sexual harassment)
Hypersexuality and “sex addiction”
I am a Mental Health Counselling Provider for Canada’s Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) Program & IRSRHSP

Every 12 months, an eligible client can receive up to 22 hours of counselling performed by an enrolled provider on a fee-for-service basis (such as, individual, family or group counselling). Additional hours in the same 12 month period may be provided on a case-by-case basis.
To be eligible for NIHB Program benefits, a client must be a Canadian resident and registered or eligible to be registered under a provincial or territorial health insurance plan and have the following status:
- a First Nations person who is registered under the Indian Act (commonly referred to as a “Indian status”); or
- Inuk recognized by an Inuit Land Claim organizations; or
- an infant less than 18 months old whose parent is a registered First Nations person or a recognized Inuk; and
- Not otherwise covered under a separate agreement (e.g. a self-government agreement such as the Nisga’a and Nunatsiavut agreements) with federal, provincial or territorial governments.
More information is available at:
Contact Me to Talk
Please call or email me at 416-805-5280 or